Thursday, 21 April 2016

Quest 2.4

  • Who are you?;
    i am Edan i am 10 years old love to go riding on my dirtbike (kawasaki kx85) and i love piano.
  • What is the one thing you feel supremely qualified to provide to other people?;
    help... i don't really know to be honest.
  • Who do you do it for?;
    people who need it.
  • What do these people want or need from you?;
  • How do they change or transform as a result of what you give them?
  • that know what to do after and they can help other people if they need to


  1. Hi Edan, thanks for taking the time to think about and write this. I wonder if you can put it into one paragraph. I am thinking something like:
    "I am Edan. I am a dirt biker and pianist. I help people who need it to (what do you do for or teach others?). After I help them, they know what to do and can help others.

  2. Hi Edan,
    I think it's awesome that you feel qualified to help people and you are 10 years old! Amazing! Do you think you want to help kids or adults? What might you do to help them? Keep writing and keep helping! Love it!

  3. Hi Edan,
    I think it is awesome to help others, but why don't you take a minute to think about how you help others? I love your blog and keep up the good work!

    See you next time,

  4. Great work so far Edan! Can I ask you a question? If I asked you to help me with something what would hope I was asking you to do? Help me learn to dirt bike? Help me with piano? Help with my Homework etc. Maybe thinking about what you like to help other people with will help you realize the one thing you feel supremely qualified to provide to other people. Keep up the great work :)

    1. Sorry typo it should say "If I asked you to help me with something what would you hope I was asking you to do?"
